Card In Focus: A Legion of One

For the second card in our spotlight we have Legion of One. To all of my non-Lion clan readers I swear I will do cards from other clans as well. It just so happens that I played the recent discord cup season 2 with Lion and some of the nuances are still fresh on my... Continue Reading →

Card in Focus: Steadfast Samurai

Welcome everyone to a new series I am starting. My previous articles focused on clans as a whole or concepts in the game. For this series of articles I will be focusing on individual cards and how to maximize the value you get out of them. As you can see by the title I am... Continue Reading →

Lion MasterClass Part 3

Welcome fellow Lions. As promised this is part 3 of the Lion Masterclass series. This will be the last part of the series and we will be focusing on clan splashes. I know a lot of you have been asking for decklists and they are included. Here are decklists for Lion/Dragon, Lion/Crane, Lion/Scorpion, and Lion/Unicorn.... Continue Reading →

State of the Game: Post 6×6

Happy New Year samurai and samurai-ko of Rokugan! I hope you have had a great time during the holidays! Tsuke had a fun time as well which is why I have been quite lax with all the writing. It is sometimes difficult to find topics to write about so if you want more articles feel... Continue Reading →

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