The Restricted List

Hi everyone. I'm back from my time wandering the shadowlands. For today I want to discuss one of the biggest changes to the game which is the restricted list. One of the reasons why I went on break is that the game had gotten stale for me. As soon as I saw what Stronghold my... Continue Reading →

Card in Focus: Asako Diplomat

For our third card and our first non-lion card we have the Asako Diplomat. This has been one of my favorite cards in Phoenix and enables potentially devastating combos. When the card first came out it was misunderstood by Phoenix players and some continue to do leading them to undervalue the card. Stats Asako Diplomat... Continue Reading →

Lion MasterClass Part 3

Welcome fellow Lions. As promised this is part 3 of the Lion Masterclass series. This will be the last part of the series and we will be focusing on clan splashes. I know a lot of you have been asking for decklists and they are included. Here are decklists for Lion/Dragon, Lion/Crane, Lion/Scorpion, and Lion/Unicorn.... Continue Reading →

MasterClass Phoenix Part 2

I originally planned to just make one article discussing both paths I originally planned to just make one article discussing both paths but the length of the initial article made me decide to split it into two. As always the article assumes that you have some understanding of Phoenix already and want to improve your performance with the clan. Way... Continue Reading →

Fate Has No Secrets Review

Another week and another set of cards. 6 by 6 is almost over and I am preparing to hear complaints about how "stale" the meta has gotten ever since cards are not added to the pool on a weekly basis anymore. On the other hand it might give Jigoku time to catch up so we... Continue Reading →

Into the Forbidden City Review

My last outstanding pack review before I can get back to a more normal writing schedule. I have to say I think it is good that I was able to play with some of these cards first before providing reviews as they allowed me to see some problems and opportunities that you don't normally see... Continue Reading →

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