MasterClass Phoenix Part 2

I originally planned to just make one article discussing both paths I originally planned to just make one article discussing both paths but the length of the initial article made me decide to split it into two. As always the article assumes that you have some understanding of Phoenix already and want to improve your performance with the clan. Way... Continue Reading →

MasterClass Phoenix Part 1

This article is intended for players who are familiar with the game and want to improve their game with the Phoenix clan. If you are just starting the Phoenix deck building article may be a better place to start. Phoenix is a very versatile clan. So versatile that it has two divergent paths. In the... Continue Reading →

The Final Bill: Trump Tax Reform

I take a break from my usual articles about gaming to write about politics instead. This is because something important has recently happened which would have a major impact on everyone. The Congress and the Senate have finally released the final version of the tax bill that they have compromised on. All the pundits say... Continue Reading →

On Provinces

One of the most consistent questions I get from players that want to be competitive is what provinces to expect when they attack another clan. Which province you select can make or break the conflict so it is understandable why players want all the information they can get about this subject. Knowing which provinces your... Continue Reading →

Fate Has No Secrets Review

Another week and another set of cards. 6 by 6 is almost over and I am preparing to hear complaints about how "stale" the meta has gotten ever since cards are not added to the pool on a weekly basis anymore. On the other hand it might give Jigoku time to catch up so we... Continue Reading →

Lion Masterclass Part 2

I originally planned to write this article right after the first one but my health and the review articles got in the way. In the first article I provided broad strokes about how Lion should play and mentioned a few cards. For this article I wanted to focus on the specific cards some more. As... Continue Reading →

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