Understanding Trump: The Dinesh Pardon

Hey everyone. I'm finally back from a long sabbatical and ready to untangle all the tricky issues of the day. To get me back into the swing of things I figured I would start with an easy topic. Today President Trump has pardoned Dinesh D'Souza. As everyone knows Dinesh was prosecuted for making 20000 dollars... Continue Reading →

Clinton Ran A Good Campaign

This will most likely be the most unpopular article I have ever written. Something I pride myself on though is being able to look at an event as objectively as I possibly can so that we can draw the proper lessons from it. Punditry has been unified in their opinion that Clinton ran a terrible... Continue Reading →

Emailgate and the Dictator Within

If you are politically active you will have an opinion about the private server of Hillary Clinton. It has been all over the news and I am not going to waste time summarizing it. I am guessing it mostly falls along party lines. If you are a Republican or lean that way you think she... Continue Reading →

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