There is No World War 3

Since the start of his Presidency Democrats and some Neocon republicans have been stating that Trump will start World War 3 with his tweets and behavior. This is false and an outright lie. None of the facts around the world geopolitical situation call for a World War. It would even be difficult to imagine the... Continue Reading →

Trump is Russia’s Worst Nightmare

With the Trump-Russia narrative dying a well deserved death it is time to acknowledge reality. Despite rhetoric that is friendly to Russia, mainly because Trump is attempting to use Russia as a counterbalance to China which he views as the real threat, the policies Trump implements are actually very harmful to Russia. There really is... Continue Reading →

Facts about Nato

Just a simple post for today. I want this to be as black and white as possible. I will try and add more countries as I can. NATO is a treaty which requires that each member nation spend at least 2% of GDP on national defense. The last time Germany spent 2% of GDP was... Continue Reading →

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