The Difference Between Iran and North Korea

As some of you may know one of my pet peeves with the Trump administration is that while they do the right thing they rarely take the time to explain why they do the things that they do. The result is that the left gains control of the narrative which leads to public distrust. These... Continue Reading →

Understanding Trump: The Dinesh Pardon

Hey everyone. I'm finally back from a long sabbatical and ready to untangle all the tricky issues of the day. To get me back into the swing of things I figured I would start with an easy topic. Today President Trump has pardoned Dinesh D'Souza. As everyone knows Dinesh was prosecuted for making 20000 dollars... Continue Reading →

Life After the Memo

As many people know Republican congressman Nunes recently released a memo alleging that the FBI used bad information in order to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign. The Nunes memo also alleges that certain actors in the FBI did this out of a political preference for Clinton as opposed to Trump.... Continue Reading →

The Final Bill: Trump Tax Reform

I take a break from my usual articles about gaming to write about politics instead. This is because something important has recently happened which would have a major impact on everyone. The Congress and the Senate have finally released the final version of the tax bill that they have compromised on. All the pundits say... Continue Reading →

There is No World War 3

Since the start of his Presidency Democrats and some Neocon republicans have been stating that Trump will start World War 3 with his tweets and behavior. This is false and an outright lie. None of the facts around the world geopolitical situation call for a World War. It would even be difficult to imagine the... Continue Reading →

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