The New Korean War

For the record I fully support an armed intervention in North Korea. In my opinion the US has tried every other option and all of them have failed. Bill Clinton tried complete and total submission. Offering a yearly tribute in oil to North Korea as well as offering to build their nuclear program with American... Continue Reading →

Who is the Anti-fa?

With their recent coverage in the news it is important for everyone that we understand who Anti-fa is, what they stand for, and which major political figures have been supporting them. Anti-fa is of course short for Anti fascist. They are a group which believe in opposing fascism by any means necessary. They believe that... Continue Reading →

4-D Chess: Charlottesville

The other day Ben Shapiro was explaining that it was a major political mistake for President Trump to keep bringing the conversation back to Charlottesville. He mentioned that Trump already got past the issue and keeps returning the conversation to it by relitigating it. This shows that while Ben is able to defend principles on... Continue Reading →

Book Burning and the Left

With the recent controversies with the lefts call to remove historical statues ranging from Robert Lee, Christopher Columbus, and even reaching up to George Washington in some cases there have been some comparisons made between this and the Cultural Revolution promulgated by Mao in China. Several conservative thinkers have compared this to the period when... Continue Reading →

The GOP has lost its base

One of the benefits of Bannon leaving the administration is that it sets up an ideological divide between the economic nationalist policies Trump ran on and the establishment Republican priorities the current politicians in the Senate and the House want him to pursue. Five thirty eight recently published an article where they cite a survey... Continue Reading →

The Brilliance of Bannon

When I first heard Steve Bannon was fired from the Trump administration I could not believe my ears. Politically speaking it made no sense. It handed a great victory to the Democrats and their allies in the media, which only further emboldens them, and plants a wedge in between the new economic populists in the... Continue Reading →

Are You a Nazi?

With the mainstream media seeing Nazi's everywhere they turn I thought it would be useful to design a quiz so that people can identify whether they are a Nazi. After all you may be one without realizing it! The quiz is simple. Just answer yes or no and tally the number of times you answered... Continue Reading →

The Fascists Have Won

There are a lot of good series on TV recently depicting post apocalyptic dystopian societies. You have the handmaids tale and my personal favorite the 100. This is my pitch for a dystopian setting. Imagine a world where the highest court in the land said that the color of ones skin determines ones eligibility for... Continue Reading →

The Truth: Racism in Virginia

In the aftermath of the events in Virginia the mainstream media were united in their message. They uniformly asked how was it possible that in this day and age this many people were joining organizations advocating for the rights of whites? This was their attempt to push the blame on the tragedy on President Trump.... Continue Reading →

Proof: Leak not Hack

I do my best to make original content for this blog which is why I rarely link to anything outside of it. I am breaking this rule today because this issue is too important. I shared a link yesterday to an article providing forensic proof that the DNC files were obtained via leaks and not... Continue Reading →

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