The Difference Between Iran and North Korea

As some of you may know one of my pet peeves with the Trump administration is that while they do the right thing they rarely take the time to explain why they do the things that they do. The result is that the left gains control of the narrative which leads to public distrust. These... Continue Reading →

There is No World War 3

Since the start of his Presidency Democrats and some Neocon republicans have been stating that Trump will start World War 3 with his tweets and behavior. This is false and an outright lie. None of the facts around the world geopolitical situation call for a World War. It would even be difficult to imagine the... Continue Reading →

Expanding the Map: Asians not Latinos

In the aftermath of the Romney election, the Republican establishment came to one conclusion. We must get Latinos! This was thought to be the only path to expanding the Republican tent. Make no mistake this is not an electoral strategy. Anyone can see how that this would be counterproductive as one. This is a method... Continue Reading →

The Social Justice Pope

The Vatican is currently being ruled by someone who is as close to a social justice warrior as you can get and still belong to the catholic leadership. This is in stark contrast to the previous Popes who have acted much more closely with Catholic orthodoxy and people are wondering why. The reason is fairly... Continue Reading →

The New Korean War

For the record I fully support an armed intervention in North Korea. In my opinion the US has tried every other option and all of them have failed. Bill Clinton tried complete and total submission. Offering a yearly tribute in oil to North Korea as well as offering to build their nuclear program with American... Continue Reading →

4-D Chess: Charlottesville

The other day Ben Shapiro was explaining that it was a major political mistake for President Trump to keep bringing the conversation back to Charlottesville. He mentioned that Trump already got past the issue and keeps returning the conversation to it by relitigating it. This shows that while Ben is able to defend principles on... Continue Reading →

The Brilliance of Bannon

When I first heard Steve Bannon was fired from the Trump administration I could not believe my ears. Politically speaking it made no sense. It handed a great victory to the Democrats and their allies in the media, which only further emboldens them, and plants a wedge in between the new economic populists in the... Continue Reading →

The Truth About Minimum Wage

Republicans, both nationalists and conservatives, have been crowing about the recent failure of the minimum wage increase in Seattle. While it is always nice for our world view to be validated I feel this article is necessary so that we will not be misunderstood. After all Democrats are always eager to paint conservatives as the... Continue Reading →

The Truth About the Trump Budget

The Democrats are up in arms about the Trump budget. Cruel, Barbaric, Mean are some of the nicest words they have used to describe it and it just goes downhill from there. As usual the spokespeople of the Trump administration have not been able to defend the budget effectively so it falls upon independent bloggers... Continue Reading →

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