Obama Wiretapped Trump: For the Deniers

This article will be focused on those who still deny that Obama weaponized the FBI to spy on his political opponents. I will be attempting to answer as many talking points set up by the Schiff memo I can as well as some other popular arguments I have heard others make. This is used to... Continue Reading →

Obama Wiretapped Trump: Going Mainstream

If you have been reading my blog for a while you will know that I and other bloggers on the right have been saying since early last year that Obama did indeed wire tap Trump. It is now early 2018 and establishment media is finally catching on. One of the most frustrating things about mainstream... Continue Reading →

The Final Bill: Trump Tax Reform

I take a break from my usual articles about gaming to write about politics instead. This is because something important has recently happened which would have a major impact on everyone. The Congress and the Senate have finally released the final version of the tax bill that they have compromised on. All the pundits say... Continue Reading →

There is No World War 3

Since the start of his Presidency Democrats and some Neocon republicans have been stating that Trump will start World War 3 with his tweets and behavior. This is false and an outright lie. None of the facts around the world geopolitical situation call for a World War. It would even be difficult to imagine the... Continue Reading →

4d Chess: The Sanctuary State

In response to President Trump California has declared itself a Sanctuary State. Ready and willing to welcome all the illegal immigrants that can make it to their wide open arms. Conservatives and nationalists are of course up in arms at the slight. If you are one of them I want to ask you. Why? There... Continue Reading →

The White Pill on Daca

There has been plenty of negativity going around about what is happening regarding DACA. I have seen people who used to have plenty of faith in Trump withdraw their support just on this issue. I wanted to write this today as a white pill to all the negativity floating around. Reality The first thing we... Continue Reading →

Clinton Ran A Good Campaign

This will most likely be the most unpopular article I have ever written. Something I pride myself on though is being able to look at an event as objectively as I possibly can so that we can draw the proper lessons from it. Punditry has been unified in their opinion that Clinton ran a terrible... Continue Reading →

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