Send the Paris Deal to the Senate

As a nationalist I fully support the decision of President Trump to pull out of the Paris deal. My objection is not based on the environment but rather on the fact that the restrictions on the US are much harsher than the restrictions on China, India, and our other competitors despite these countries producing just... Continue Reading →

How to Make a Fake News Article

I want you to pay attention to all the anti-trump articles out there and you will notice that they all follow the same pattern. At the end of this piece I will also be making an article that you could say is "fake news" but you can never tell as I will not reveal my... Continue Reading →

The Truth About the Trump Budget

The Democrats are up in arms about the Trump budget. Cruel, Barbaric, Mean are some of the nicest words they have used to describe it and it just goes downhill from there. As usual the spokespeople of the Trump administration have not been able to defend the budget effectively so it falls upon independent bloggers... Continue Reading →

Liberals Defeat Terrorism

Breaking News- First reported on Tsuke's Thoughts. Radical Islamic Terrorism is officially over! The west has finally won! The events leading up to this are as stunning as they are historic. Everyone knows where they were when Leader Obama gave his "The West is at Fault" speech and outlined how to finally to eliminate terrorism.... Continue Reading →

Britain Then and Now

There has been a lot of comparisons done recently about the reaction of Britain to attacks during World War 2 and attacks by terrorists recently. During the Battle of Britain you had famous quotations from Winston Churchill promising defiance and eventual victory. My personal favorite is "Let the Hun do their worst and we shall... Continue Reading →

The Liberal Primer: Economics

Greetings fellow liberals! Welcome to another installment of the Liberal Primer. Today we will be discussing the economy. Do not zone out just yet. This is really important to the liberal agenda. To the naked eye it would seem that we know nothing about the economy after all we are the party that asks for... Continue Reading →

Monuments and the Ctrl-Left

There has been some debate about certain statues of confederate heroes getting removed. As a general rule whenever the monuments have been removed liberals from all across the country have been in favor of it while the local residents have not. In fact there was a bill in Louisiana where the legislators required a vote... Continue Reading →

The Hidden Russiagate Target: Wikileaks

As events develop and more things are exposed things become clearer. The target for the intelligence community for Russiagate is not Trump. It is Wikileaks. The aim is to discredit the organization as nothing more than an agent of Russia in the eyes of the public. After all it does not matter how accurate the... Continue Reading →

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