The Truth about The Trump Tax Reform

Tax reform is finally on the table and major details of the plan have been revealed. The media has already begun to demonize the plan as one which exclusively benefits the rich and raises the liability of the poor. As usual Republicans and the Trump team refuse to defend the plan in public so most... Continue Reading →

Obama Wiretapped Trump – Manafort Update

We now have official confirmation that Manafort was under surveillance last year. Let me restate that. We now have confirmation that the campaign manager of the Republican candidate was under surveillance by the FBI. I explained in my previous articles how everything works. Come up with an excuse to get a FISA warrant. Have your... Continue Reading →

Expanding the Map: Asians not Latinos

In the aftermath of the Romney election, the Republican establishment came to one conclusion. We must get Latinos! This was thought to be the only path to expanding the Republican tent. Make no mistake this is not an electoral strategy. Anyone can see how that this would be counterproductive as one. This is a method... Continue Reading →

The Social Justice Pope

The Vatican is currently being ruled by someone who is as close to a social justice warrior as you can get and still belong to the catholic leadership. This is in stark contrast to the previous Popes who have acted much more closely with Catholic orthodoxy and people are wondering why. The reason is fairly... Continue Reading →

The White Pill on Daca

There has been plenty of negativity going around about what is happening regarding DACA. I have seen people who used to have plenty of faith in Trump withdraw their support just on this issue. I wanted to write this today as a white pill to all the negativity floating around. Reality The first thing we... Continue Reading →

Clinton Ran A Good Campaign

This will most likely be the most unpopular article I have ever written. Something I pride myself on though is being able to look at an event as objectively as I possibly can so that we can draw the proper lessons from it. Punditry has been unified in their opinion that Clinton ran a terrible... Continue Reading →

The Debt Ceiling Deal Explained

Conservative pundits like Ann Coulter and Ben Shapiro are up in arms about Trump making a deal with the Democrats to extend the debt ceiling by three months and to provide aid for areas affected by Harvey. They cannot fathom why Trump is giving away all of his leverage and cannot see a reason as... Continue Reading →

The Truth About DACA and the Economy

The defenders of illegal immigration are now arguing that ending DACA would cause economic doom. Some reports from CNBC state that ending DACA would cost the economy 200 billion. Still other reports say it will cost 400 billion. Let me be clear. This is false and using a line of argument that only an economic... Continue Reading →

DACA: Sins of the Father?

With the Trump administration set to end DACA its supporters have come up with a uniform rallying cry in its defense. "In America we do not punish children for the sins of their parents". Except we do. All the time. One of the most important concepts that almost all Democrats hold dear is affirmative action.... Continue Reading →

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